IEC/TC 81/MT 9
IEC 62305-2: Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management
CLC/TC 81X/WG 01
Protection against lightning of telecommunication lines
CLC/TC 81X/WG 02
Lightning protection components
CLC/TC 81X/WG 03
Protection against lemp
CLC/TC 81X/WG 04
Assessment of the risk of damage due to lightning
CLC/TC 81X/WG 05
Thunderstorm decetive devices
IEC/TC 81/MT 3
IEC 62305-4: Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures
IEC/TC 81/MT 8
IEC 62305-1 and -3: Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles, and Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard
CLC/TC 81X/WG 06
Pure performance standard
IEC/TC 81/MT 14
Revision of IEC 62561-1, IEC 62561-2, IEC 62561-3 and IEC 62561-4/ Edition 1
IEC/TC 81/MT 16
Maintenance of IEC 62858 Ed.1
IEC/TC 81/MT 17
Maintenance of IEC 62793 Ed. 1
IEC/TC 81/WG 18
Application Guide of IEC 62305-3, Ed.3