IEC/TC 38/WG 37
Specific Clauses for Electronic Voltage Transformers (future IEC 61869-7), for Electronic Current Transformers (future IEC 61869-8) and Digital Interface for Instrument Transformers (future IEC 61869-9)
IEC/TC 38/WG 47
Evolution of IT ratings for the modern market
IEC/TC 38/WG 55
Uncertainty evaluation in the calibration of Instrument Transformers
IEC/TC 38/WG 45
Standard Mathematical Models for Instrument Transformers
IEC/TC 38/WG 39
International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Clause 321: Instrument Transformers
IEC/TC 38/WG 54
Instrument Transformers integrated with other functions
IEC/TC 38/JWG 55
Uncertainty evaluation in the calibration of Instrument Transformers