Everyone has a seat at the table: engineers, technicians and economic experts as well as full-time employees of the DKE. They come from companies, associations, research, education and politics. What unites them is their passion for technological innovation. Whether experienced employees or young talent with a thirst for knowledge: Together, they work at top capacity and thus contribute toward the success of electrotechnical standardization. In Germany and on the international level.
Prizes & Awards
Outstanding experts
Award ceremony IEC Thomas A. Edison Award and IEC 1906 Award
IEC Thomas A. Edison Award and the IEC 1906 Award were created to honor the special merits of experts in international standardization projects.
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the awards ceremony was held as a virtual event this year.
Of the 180 1906 awards awarded in total, 33 were awarded to German recipients. This demonstrates that our experts are still highly respected in the IEC community.
On behalf of the Germany National IEC Committee, we would like to congratulate all of the recipients and thank them for their work.
Wolfgang Niedziella is the new CENELEC president!
With Wolfgang Niedziella from VDE DKE, Germany was elected to the top position in electrotechnical standardization in Europe.
His objective is to get European standardization ready for the future and strengthen Europe in the fields of artificial intelligence, smart energy, smart manufacturing and smart homes.
Presentation of the 2019 IEC 1906 Award
Countless experts were honored for their knowledge and dedication in the field of international standardization.
September 9, 2019
Countless experts were honored for their knowledge and dedication in the field of international standardization.
September 9, 2019
Since 2004, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has awarded the IEC 1906 Award to technical experts from around the world. Particularly deserving technical experts receive the award to highlight their outstanding contributions and dedication to the benefit of international standardization.
The awards ceremony and celebration took place at the “Haus am Dom” in Frankfurt. In a perfect atmosphere, all of the award recipients were honored for their contribution to standardization, thus highlighting the excellent reputation of German standardization work in the IEC.
Thanks to all of the experts for their contribution.
DKE Nadel 2019
Recognition for volunteer work and also national and international contributions.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Recognition for volunteer work and also national and international contributions.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
On the occasion of the 2019 DKE Innovative Campus, two experts were awarded the DKE Nadel for their special contribution to electrotechnical standardization. In celebration, the DKE directing manager, Michael Teigeler, awarded the DKE Nadel to:
- Dr. Andreas Starke, HARTING Stiftung & Co. KG
- Ingo Weber, Siemens AG – Digital Factory
Best Thesis Award 2018
Anna Pfendler and Andreas Hauschke share the winners’ podium.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Anna Pfendler and Andreas Hauschke share the winners’ podium.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
In the run-up to the 2019 DKE Innovation Campus, the Best Thesis Award was awarded to the two winners, Anna Pfendler and Andreas Hauschke. Member of the DKE management, Kevin Behnisch, honored the two participants of the STS program and expressed his congratulations.
IEC 1906 Award 2018 presented
Outstanding contributions and extraordinary dedication were honored.
January 16, 2019
Outstanding contributions and extraordinary dedication were honored.
January 16, 2019
After a slight delay, the time had finally come in January: Countless experts were honored with the IEC 1906 Award for their outstanding knowledge and dedication in the field of standardization.
Since 2004, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has awarded the IEC 1906 Award to technical experts from around the world every year. Technical experts who are particularly active in the IEC committees receive the award to highlight their outstanding contributions and excellent dedication to the benefit of international standardization.
At the same time, the IEC commemorates its year of foundation with this annual award.
In addition to the IEC 1906 Award, the IEEE/IEC/KATS Prize was awarded in the framework of the IEC - IEEE - KATS Challenge in which scientific publications were submitted with a focus on the future role of standardization and conformity assessment. As one of the winners, Kai Jakobs received his well-earned prize at the Haus am Dom in Frankfurt. Jakob’s work demonstrates, among other things, the difficulty of standardization for “intelligent” systems like “smart cities”.
IEC presents Wim De Kesel from the Belgian National Committee the Lord Kelvin Award
A special award for a deserving expert.
Friday, August 17, 2018
A special award for a deserving expert.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Wim De Kesel has not only gained an excellent reputation in the IEC as the secretary of the TC 23 “Electrical accessories” for several years, he is also a member of the administrative council of the Belgian Electrotechnical Commission and represents the European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers (CECAP) on the CENELEC Technical Board.
He has a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Gent. He received the IEC Thomas Edison Award in 2011 and the CENELEC Technical Body Award in 2013. Wim De Kesel was elected as a member of the board of directors and vice president of CENELEC in June 2014.
The award was presented traditionally in the framework of the IEC general meeting in October.
The German National Committee would like to congratulate a deserving expert and representative of standardization and looks forward to continued cooperation in European and international standardization!
DKE Nadel in Gold awarded to Dr. Ulrich Spindler
DKE honors the standardization expert for his outstanding contributions in leading positions at IEC, CENELEC and VDE DKE.
May 4, 2018
DKE honors the standardization expert for his outstanding contributions in leading positions at IEC, CENELEC and VDE DKE.
May 4, 2018
VDE DKE has now awarded the physicist, Dr. Ulrich Spindler, the DKE Nadel in Gold for his outstanding contributions in standardization. “With this award, we would like to thank Ulrich Spindler for his many years of dedication to standardization and honor his outstanding contributions toward the future orientation of the German standardization system,” said Michael Teigeler, Managing Director of VDE DKE at the awards ceremony.
Spindler started in standardization in 1982 and has remained loyal to it since. In 1987, he was elected chairman of Committee 221 “Electrical Systems and Protection against Electrical Shock”. He later held positions like spokesperson for switching devices and the chair of the Technical Council for Conformity Assessment. From 2000 to 2003, Spindler was Vice President of CENELEC. In 2003, Spindler was elected President of CENELEC and was elected again the following year and held the position until 2008.
“Ulrich Spindler is the only standardization expert elected as CENELEC president twice. The bylaws had to be amended specifically for this purpose,” Teigeler smirked. In a final culmination, Spindler was elected Chair of the IEC Conformity Assessment Board (CAB) with which he spearheaded the committee that focuses on global cybersecurity conformity assessment.
DKE Nadel 2018
A special award for special standardization experts.
April 24, 2018
A special award for special standardization experts.
April 24, 2018
On the occasion of the 2018 DKE Innovative Campus, two experts were awarded the DKE Nadel for their special contribution to electrotechnical standardization.
In celebration, Michael Teigeler (DKE Directing Manager) and Kevin Behnisch (Head of DKE Technology) awarded the DKE Nadel to:
- Mike Wöbbeking, DNV GL
- Joachim Ring, Siemens AG
Best Thesis Award 2017
Elisabeth Ibenthal and Ricarda Rimatzki both win and will be honored at the 2018 DKE Innovation Campus.
April 24, 2018
Elisabeth Ibenthal and Ricarda Rimatzki both win and will be honored at the 2018 DKE Innovation Campus.
April 24, 2018
The objective of the master’s thesis “Development and Evaluation of Human-Machine Interfaces for People with Dementia Using an Entertainment System as an Example” by Elisabeth Ibenthal was to develop an example of a context-sensitive assistance system for dementia patients and evaluate its clinical use.
Furthermore, it should be possible to transfer the applied methods and findings for usability tests and clinical trials. Guidelines for working with people with these limitations are developed in the thesis which will supplement the current standards in the future.
In addition, the objective of Ricarda Rimatzki’s thesis, with the topic “Use of High-Voltage Test Impulses in Low Voltage Range” was to assess the risk potential of electrical equipment connected in buildings with respect to the use of high-voltage test impulses in low voltage range.
The thesis was considered a preliminary examination in order to realize a new procedure to locate defects in cables in the combination of hybrid generators and intelligent fuses with connected end consumers.
With the help of simulations and measurements, initial findings were obtained that reduce the risk under certain conditions.
CENELEC Pin Award for VDE DKE experts and employees
International award for our standardization experts.
December 2017
International award for our standardization experts.
December 2017
CEN and CENELEC, as European standardization organizations, are aware that standardization work is only successful due to the cooperation of experts. Thus, around 60,000 experts work at CEN and CENELEC to publish an average of 1,550 new standards per year. The DKE sends experts to CENELC committees and holds secretary and chair positions in several CENELEC committees. Both secretaries and chairpersons bear particular responsibility for the success of the committee when developing new standards. Therefore, CEN and CENELEC recently honored ten chairs and three secretaries with the Pin Award.
We are pleased that five of the CENELEC award winners were from Germany.
- Dr. Werner Knaupp as the Chairman of the TC 82 “Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems”,
- VDE DKE employee Thomas Wegmann, as the Secretary of the TC 215 “Electrotechnical Aspects of Telecommunications Installations” and
- Dr. Marcus Adams, as the Secretary of the TC 65X “Industrial Process Control and Automation Technology
were honored.
Dr. Bernhard Thies, CENELEC president and former VDE DKE directing manager presented the CENELEC Pin Awards.
Presentation of the IEC 1906 Award
The German National IEC Committee is pleased to honor 31 standardization experts as award winners.
October 26, 2017
The German National IEC Committee is pleased to honor 31 standardization experts as award winners.
October 26, 2017
Roland Bent, DKE chairman and Michael Teigeler, Managing Director of the DKE highlighted the indispensable work of the experts from Germany for the DKE and the IEC and thanked the award winners.
Only as a result of their outstanding contributions in the international committees were we able to credibly represent and drive forward the transformation on the international level.
As the German National IEC Committee, we are pleased that the award winners highlight the excellent reputation of German standardization work in the IEC.
The following experts were honored:
Herbert Barthel, Heinrich Bartels, Stefan Bober, Jürgen Benecke, Dieter Benz, Michael Benzin, Konrad Brehm, Gerd Brenning, Lars Rölker-Denker, Frank Deter, Eric Effern, Mauricio Esguerra, Timo Foisner, Dr. Udo Gerlach, Lothar Grutesen, Adrian Häring, David Hamann, Stefan Hilbert, Claus-Peter Höppner, Gunnar Kaestle, Matthias Kübel, Dr. Wolfgang Meyer, Prof. Bernd Ponick, Dieter Werner Röder, Ingo Rolle, Dieter Seidl, Eberhard Seydel, Markus Stark, Elmar Staudinger, Paul Szucs, Guido Volberg
Presentation of the Thomas A. Edison Award
Congratulations! One of the highest honors from the IEC is awarded to Dr. Peter Zwanziger.
October 2017
Congratulations! One of the highest honors from the IEC is awarded to Dr. Peter Zwanziger.
October 2017
With Dr. Peter Zwanziger the IEC Standardization Management Board is honoring a pioneering innovative expert. As the Head of the Committee for Power Electronics (TC 22), he significantly strengthened the cooperation with other committees like the Committee for Photovoltaic Systems TC82. As a member of the corresponding Advisory Committee for Energy Efficiency, he advised other committees within and outside the IEC.
In his laudatory speech, the Chairman of the Standardization Management Board, Dr. Ralph Sporer, highlighted these technical and personal skills as being indispensable for successful standardization work. Dr. Zwanziger thanked his mentor, Mr. Jean-Louis Sanhet from the French National Committee who recommended these skills to him as an important success factor in standardization.
He created the bridge between the impressive historical conference rooms of the Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering and the history of one of the oldest IEC committees, TC 22. This developed from the standardization of head-high pipes filled with mercury to the modern, comparatively tiny power semiconductors, thus keeping a finger on the pulse of industrial product development. For continuity in this sense, Dr. Benno Weis is now his successor as chair. The SMB members will support Dr. Weis in keeping the committee on a course for success.
DKE Nadel 2017
Three deserving standardization experts were honored.
May 10, 2017
Three deserving standardization experts were honored.
May 10, 2017
During the Innovation Campus, the awards ceremony was held in the special atmosphere of the Hanauer Congress Park and each of the three gentlemen was honored in personal speeches by: DKE Chairman Roland Bent, his deputy, Professor Dieter Wegener and Michael Teigeler, DKE Managing Director.
In a celebratory ceremony, they awarded the DKE Nadel to the following outstanding technical experts:
- Dr. Volker Diers (BASF, Ludwigshafen)
- Georg Luber (Siemens AG, Regensburg)
- Hans-Peter Steimel (BG ETEM, Cologne)

Anja Kurth – Winner of the Best Thesis Award 2016
Honored for outstanding work on the topic of “VLF Testing in High-Voltage Cable Systems” in the framework of the DKE Innovative Campus.
May 10, 2017

Honored for outstanding work on the topic of “VLF Testing in High-Voltage Cable Systems” in the framework of the DKE Innovative Campus.
May 10, 2017
In the field of high-voltage technology, compliance with the standards is extremely important. For both the operational safety of the systems and for the safety during on-site tests. Such a standard has not yet been established for VLF test voltage on the high-voltage level.
Initial testing systems from a variety of manufacturers are, however, already on the market. The grid operators also wish to be able to operate high-voltage sources for on-site measurements in higher voltage ranges for specific purposes.
In the framework of this thesis, the international standards regarding VLF were examined and initial on-site measurements were performed on 110 kV cables.