Decentralized & digitally into the future

DKE  German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies
Merianstraße 28
63069 Offenbach am Main

Phone: +49 69 6308-0

Standards and specifications for a clean and decentralized future

Climate change is a relevant social issue – one that didn’t only begin with the Fridays for Future movement. But what concrete actions are we taking to fight rising sea levels, increasingly frequent extreme global weather phenomena and the ever-growing demand and consumption of energy?

As Germany’s national standards body, we offer all interested parties a common platform and work together with representatives from government, companies and members of the public to develop the basics in the future energy sector. Across Europe the DKE creates framework conditions for a stable power grid and develops communication standards for smart energy management, promoting the expansion of both the flexible energy market of the future and the development of renewable energy technologies.

We will achieve the energy transition. Together!

Area of work: Energy at DKE


Energy comprises systems and products along the entire power supply chain; from electricity production to transport and distribution to the consumer, who may also be a producer. It also includes management systems that secure the future power supply.

They are intelligent systems that react flexibly to a wide range of use cases, deftly coordinate decentralized energy production and offer solutions that link all energy sources to each other.

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What is the objective of standards and specifications in the field of energy?

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A major objective of standards and specifications in the field of energy is the development of a sustainable and flexible system for intelligent and secure energy distribution. Technology and product solutions should be suitable for both users and consumers, without security restrictions.

Standards and specifications promote innovative developments for this in the power supply sector. The principle of utilizing existing resources optimally applies – or, in short: energy at the right time, at the right place. Standardization

  • ensures reliability in technology,
  • allows for seamless communication at the interfaces and,
  • in this manner, ensures the interoperability of products from a wide range of manufacturers.

Globally uniform standards for energy markets break down trade barriers, open markets and help establish an unrestricted and intelligent power system.

Alexander Nollau
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Where do standards and specifications apply in this field and how do we benefit from them?

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Energy is of existential importance in our society. Without energy and electricity, our lives would basically come to a standstill. Standards and specifications provide for security and reliability in our daily lives with respect to everything directly related to energy; from light at home to public transport through to industrial production.

Therefore, a central factor in power supply is an intelligent and reliable power system. This requires a digitalized energy grid that flexibly organizes the distribution of electricity from electricity production to transport and distribution to the consumer, who may also be a producer.

Current developments in the energy sector are making the integration of the consumer as a “prosumer” a top priority in standardization. New and innovative technologies like balcony power plants , electric cars and energy storage units allow consumers to make their energy footprint sustainable and make a contribution toward the energy revolution.