Trusted Chips Logo
2024-10-01 project

Trusted Chips

This EU-funded project facilitating European trusted chips standardization and certification along the supply chain for relevant industry stakeholders of the semiconductor ecosystem.

Claus Westenberger

Project duration: 1.7.2023 – 31.12.2025

EU Flag
© European Union

Project funding:   The interstore project is funded by the European Union.

Project responsibility:    VDE e.V., DKE

Project motivation

This project will be a roadmap that defines common European requirements and provides cross-sectoral guidelines. It aims to promote European exchange and collaboration in the semiconductor sector. This fosters innovation in all sectors and ensures secure and reliable chips.

Project description

During the project the experts and stakeholders develop a clear definition of the terminology and get an overview of the current situation in semiconductor standardization. In response to this there are identified the market gaps and needs in standardization. This includes recognizing and identifying relevant vulnerabilities (e.g. cyber security threats, hardware Trojans, theft of intellectual property, counterfeit components). The next essential steps towards achieving standards for certification of secure and resilient chips will be defined. An outlook for the future of trusted chips will be provided.

Projekt goals

The aim of this project is to create a roadmap for the topic “Trusted Chips” together with all important European stakeholder in the semiconductor area.
The roadmap will provide proposing further steps and activities. And the roadmap will be a preparation of revisions of European standardization deliverables which support the European Union legislation and policies.

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