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Image Copyright: European Association for Storage of Energy
2023-05-15 project

interstore – EU funded project

The objective of the EU funded project interstore is to deploy and demonstrate a set of interoperable open-source tools to integrate Distributed Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources, to enable the hybridization, utilization and monetization of storage flexibility, within a real-life environment.

INTERSTORE stands for Interoperable opeN-source Tools to Enable hybRidisation, utiliSation and moneTisation of stORage flExibility

Project duration: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025

Consortium partners:

  • Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany (Coordinator)
  • Cybergrid GmbH & Co. KG, Austria
  • Enel X SRL, Italy
  • Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
  • INESC TEC – Instituto de engenhariade sistemas e computadores, tecnologia e ciencia, Portugal
  • Hybrid Energy Storage Solutions Sociedad Limitada, Spain
  • Eaton Industries GmbH, Germany
  • SUNESIS Inovativne Tehnologije In Storitve d.o.o., Slovenia 
  • VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V., DKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik in DIN und VDE, Germany
  • Capwatt S.A., Portugal
  • ENGINEERING – Ingegneria Informatica SPA, Italy
  • European Association for Storage of Energy, Belgium
Beate Schmitt
Sebastian Kosslers
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© European Union

Project funding: The interstore project is funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe program.
Project sponsor: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)

Project motivation

As electrical storage continues to grow and influence the ever-changing power sector, so too must the IT infrastructure that supports it. Storage assets and accompanying equipment and systems must be able to seamlessly communicate, regardless of the manufacturer and if it’s a new or a legacy device. This not only benefits asset operators, retailors, and suppliers, but also the end-user.

To achieve this, interoperability is seen as a key goal for storage for many stakeholders within the industry. Interoperability allows for a broader range of market players (including end-users) to use and participate in the energy markets, enables the flexible use of storage in combination with other types of assets, and decreases the barrier for market entry.

Project description

The overall vision of interstore is to deploy and demonstrate a set of interoperable open-source tools to integrate Distributed Energy Storage (DES) and Distributed Energy Resources (DER), to enable the hybridization, utilization and monetization of storage flexibility, within a real-life environment.

The project outcome will allow various DES, DER and several new generation Energy Management Systems (EMS) to be integrated by different stakeholders, while demonstrating the value added of asset’s connection to common data space, reducing uncertainty and hence increasing acceptance by technology takers and final users.
In achieving this vision interstore will:

  • Provide 4 software open-source tools for assuring interoperability, flexibility and data standardization 
  • Consider each relevant aspect of flexible use of HESS (Hybrid Energy Storage Systems) in different main application areas (EV, Industrial, Residential, Commercial)
  • Demonstrate 7 high impact use cases in 4 real life living labs 
  • Use beyond the state-of-the-art methods to enable hybridization, utilization and monetization of storage flexibility, while also ensuring data space standardization

Project goals

  • Develop and deploy novel open-source software toolkit to integrate different distributed storage applications ensuring interoperability
  • Integrate and explore synergies of HESS (Hybrid Energy Storage Systems) to enable its operation as a conventional BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) with enhanced performance
  • Demonstrate flexibility provision solution ready, from HESS and its monetization for market integration
  • Deliver new generation of energy management systems as enablers of HESS integration by developing new use cases
  • Develop, deploy and validate an open adaptation of data sovereignty connected dataspace building blocks to enable DES data valorization and data-driven service digitalization
  • Maximize the impact of interstore through standardization initiatives of the applied interoperable solutions and the promotion through dissemination and communication channels
  • Enable transfer of technology to manufacturers, integrators and other stakeholders while promoting user acceptance  

InterSTORE project video

InterSTORE is an EU-funded project that aims to deploy and demonstrate a set of interoperable Open-Source tools to integrate Distributed Energy Storage (DES) and Distributed Energy Resources (DER), to enable the hybridization, utilisation and monetisation of storage flexibility, within a real-life environment.


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