
Reach your goal with the expertise of our roadmaps

DKE German Commission

With the wealth of knowledge contained in our roadmaps, you will be equipped with all the information on relevant electrical engineering issues and innovations that you need to reach your goal.

With our roadmaps in hand and our know-how at your side, you can become the expert and bring your electrical engineering knowledge right up to date. All our standardization roadmaps are listed by category below. You can obtain the roadmaps, as well as other standardization guidelines, as direct downloads – free of charge.

Components & Technologies

An asphalt road surrounded by trees

Standardization roadmap Circular Economy

The standardization roadmap considers obstacles and challenges of a circular economy from a standardization perspective and identifies standardization needs for seven crucial sectors of the German economy.

An asphalt road surrounded by trees

The standardization roadmap considers obstacles and challenges of a circular economy from a standardization perspective and identifies standardization needs for seven crucial sectors of the German economy.

Core Safety & Information Technologies

An abstract, digital illustration of a human face

Standardization roadmap for Artificial Intelligence

In Germany and Europe, AI is considered to be one of the key technologies for future competitiveness in every sector. This makes the recommendations in the Artificial Intelligence standardization roadmap even more important with respect to strengthening Germany in international AI competition.

An abstract, digital illustration of a human face

In Germany and Europe, AI is considered to be one of the key technologies for future competitiveness in every sector. This makes the recommendations in the Artificial Intelligence standardization roadmap even more important with respect to strengthening Germany in international AI competition.


Wind turbine energy efficiency

Standardization roadmap for Electrical Energy Efficiency

The second, updated version of the standardization roadmap for electrical energy efficiency sets out the most important elements for greater energy efficiency.

Wind turbine energy efficiency

The second, updated version of the standardization roadmap for electrical energy efficiency sets out the most important elements for greater energy efficiency.

Normungsroadmap: Gleichstrom im Niederspannungsbereich

Standardization roadmap for Direct Current in the Low-Voltage Range

The roadmap for direct current in the low-voltage range combines the state of the art with recommendations for action and requirements – and this is only the second version!

Normungsroadmap: Gleichstrom im Niederspannungsbereich

The roadmap for direct current in the low-voltage range combines the state of the art with recommendations for action and requirements – and this is only the second version!

Standardization roadmap for Energy Storage Systems

The current version of the standardization roadmap for energy storage systems is a strong basis on which to drive forward energy storage technology and support the energy revolution.

The current version of the standardization roadmap for energy storage systems is a strong basis on which to drive forward energy storage technology and support the energy revolution.

Standardization roadmap for E-Energy/Smart grids

The second version of the German standardization roadmap for e-energy/smart grids presents the developments in the field of smart grids and looks at potential next steps.

The second version of the German standardization roadmap for e-energy/smart grids presents the developments in the field of smart grids and looks at potential next steps.

The modern methods of power generation are resulting in completely new load flows in the grid and present major challenges for electricity grid operators. The standardization roadmap for e-energy/smart grids is intended to provide help with these issues.

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Further information on the standardization roadmap
Renewable energies - solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric power station

DKE Whitepaper KI Energy

Artificial intelligence can support the energy ecosystem in terms of flexibility, resilience and security. The DKE Whitepaper AI Energy creates a common foundation for both disciplines.

Renewable energies - solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric power station

Artificial intelligence can support the energy ecosystem in terms of flexibility, resilience and security. The DKE Whitepaper AI Energy creates a common foundation for both disciplines.

Titelbild NRM H2

Standardization Roadmap for Hydrogen Technologies

The Standardization Roadmap for Hydrogen Technologies aims to support the market ramp-up of hydrogen technologies through standards an technical regulation.

Titelbild NRM H2

The Standardization Roadmap for Hydrogen Technologies aims to support the market ramp-up of hydrogen technologies through standards an technical regulation.


Business team of three people working on virtual reality applications

Standardization roadmap for Innovative Working Environment

The Innovative Working Environment standardization roadmap analyzes the working environments of tomorrow to demonstrate the areas in which their future development can be driven forward by standardization.

Business team of three people working on virtual reality applications

The Innovative Working Environment standardization roadmap analyzes the working environments of tomorrow to demonstrate the areas in which their future development can be driven forward by standardization.

Industrie 4.0 Grafik

Standardization roadmap for Industry 4.0

This standardization roadmap provides specific recommendations for action in relation to structuring tasks and navigating the working environment in the era of Industry 4.0.

Industrie 4.0 Grafik

This standardization roadmap provides specific recommendations for action in relation to structuring tasks and navigating the working environment in the era of Industry 4.0.


Hybrid sports car at night

Standardization roadmap for Electric Mobility 2020

The German standardization roadmap for Electric Mobility 2020 provides an overview of the current status and the need for action in relation to standardization and certification for making further developments in electric mobility.

Hybrid sports car at night

The German standardization roadmap for Electric Mobility 2020 provides an overview of the current status and the need for action in relation to standardization and certification for making further developments in electric mobility.

Man is charging an e-car

Technical guide to charging infrastructure

This guide explains what is needed for competent planning, construction and operation of a charging infrastructure, and provides tips on avoiding hazards or costly bad investments.

Man is charging an e-car

This guide explains what is needed for competent planning, construction and operation of a charging infrastructure, and provides tips on avoiding hazards or costly bad investments.

Metropolis with office buildings and illuminated streets

Standardization roadmap for Smart City

The standardization roadmap for smart cities highlights the need for standards and specifications in the technical realm, as well as in the service sector, and serves as a template for European and international standardization work.

Metropolis with office buildings and illuminated streets

The standardization roadmap for smart cities highlights the need for standards and specifications in the technical realm, as well as in the service sector, and serves as a template for European and international standardization work.

Home & Building

Smart Home Living

Standardization roadmap for Smart Home & Living

The private home is becoming increasingly intelligent – and our daily life is becoming more comfortable, secure and energy-efficient. The “Smart Home & Living Standardization Roadmap” covers six domains that demonstrate the current state of standardization, challenges and solutions. It is born of the participating experts who compile their experiences, ideas and knowledge into joint workshops.

Smart Home Living

The private home is becoming increasingly intelligent – and our daily life is becoming more comfortable, secure and energy-efficient. The “Smart Home & Living Standardization Roadmap” covers six domains that demonstrate the current state of standardization, challenges and solutions. It is born of the participating experts who compile their experiences, ideas and knowledge into joint workshops.


Smart Home

Standardization roadmap for AAL

As recent developments have brought with them new problems and demands for AAL (ambient assisted living), this standardization roadmap sets out new requirements and recommendations.

Smart Home

As recent developments have brought with them new problems and demands for AAL (ambient assisted living), this standardization roadmap sets out new requirements and recommendations.

Standardization roadmap for Mobile Diagnostic Systems

Mobile diagnostic systems comprise a wide range of medical device categories. This standardization roadmap looks at IVDs within the meaning of EU Directive 98/79/EC, as used in point-of-care testing (POCT) or “decentralized analyses”.

Mobile diagnostic systems comprise a wide range of medical device categories. This standardization roadmap looks at IVDs within the meaning of EU Directive 98/79/EC, as used in point-of-care testing (POCT) or “decentralized analyses”.

The increasingly important role of mobile diagnostic systems in the application field of patient-oriented immediate diagnostics or POCT (point-of-care testing) in patient care outside the clinic must also be taken into account in the future. For this reason, the DKE, in cooperation with the DGBMT and with the support of a group of experts, developed the first German Standardization Roadmap "Mobile Diagnostic Systems".

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Further information on the standardization roadmap

White paper “OR.NET” – secure dynamic networking in operating theatres and clinics

This white paper supports the current state of standardization for the networking of medical devices in operating theatres and for connecting such devices to information systems, as well as providing recommendations on what steps to take next in the standardization process.

This white paper supports the current state of standardization for the networking of medical devices in operating theatres and for connecting such devices to information systems, as well as providing recommendations on what steps to take next in the standardization process.

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Standardization roadmap for Services

Common framework conditions such as standards are also of great importance when exchanging goods and services internationally.

Common framework conditions such as standards are also of great importance when exchanging goods and services internationally.

This roadmap provides an overview of the status quo with regard to the standardization of services, and proposes a strategy for looking at whether – and if so, how – service standardization can be successfully developed further and generate relevant additional benefits alongside the existing national regulations and laws.

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What is a standardization roadmap?

The 6 most important facts about standardization roadmaps

Reasons for standardization roadmaps

Reasons for standardization roadmaps